Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Time Can Pass So Slowly. . .

I suppose it is rather fitting, that as I am living out my 30th year on this planet, that I am upon a precipice of sorts. Very shortly my wife and i will be moving, to a new house, a new city, a new job, a new state, and perhaps even a new state of mind. Who knows. We are both very excited and very nervous. I worry a bit about Tara going to Utah. She has never lived anywhere other than in Modesto. Not that that is a bad thing, but from this almost anything can be culture shock.

Central California is so much different than so many other places that I have lived, and the people here are just so angry all the time. This just isn't the kind of atmosphere that we want to raise our children in. So soon, we will be embarking on a new journey, one that will be the next of so many steps, and probably the biggest one that either one of us has taken.

Now all of this is great and wonderful. If you are patient, and I am not. Drivning me crazy waiting, but I suppose there is something for me to learn from all of this. When I figure that out I will let you all know. . .