Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Boating Hurts

Let me tell you something. Boating is fun. Boating is exciting, Boating HURTS! We went out to Lake Don Pedro on Sunday the 3rd of July, and rode around on a boat for hours and hours. It was great fun, and turned out to be a grand adventure.

We started early in the morning, had no troubles launching the thing, got out going and swam a bit. Then we decided to get our friend Shannon out on her WaterSki. Took us a few times, but we really got her going for a while. It was a lot of fun. Then we took Savannah out on the tube, with me and Tara, then Tara went by herself, then me.

Here is a small piece of advice. Don't sit in an innertube. Just hold on. If you sit on an innertube, and are a boy, its like you are basicallly sitting directly on the water. Just a thin film of canvas separating your most precious of parts from the harsness that is the water. Plus I got dumped on my head. My ears still feel weird.

Eventually we stopped and had something to eat. Mostly because the engine wouldn't start. We waited about an hour and tried again, no luck. We ended up floating toward a house boat. The people on it were very nice. Helped us figure out how to use the trolling motor. We took off at the amazing speed of 3 miles per hour. 2 hours later, the steering on the troll went out. I had to manually steer the thing as it was loosing power, we did manage to flag some people down who were nice enough to tow us to a dock. We had to wait at the dock for a couple more hours while we got the truck over to pull us out of the water.

Still, I am very glad that I went. No way to learn like Trial by Fire! I learned a lot that day. Sunscreen helps, but doesn't prevent everything, and man oh man am I sore!

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