Saturday, November 19, 2005


Lots of things have been going on lately I suppose. I have upgraded quite a few things in my life lately. First of all, IE7 Beta1, thank you BitTorrent. Its not bad, though I will admit I had some troubles with it. I got the download to complete after about a week of trying to get it down. Once I did, being the silly geek boy that I am, I installed it on my system. No problems with the installation, like I had with Office 12 Beta. Rebooted the system and tried to go about my business as usual.

When I launched my beloved Trillian to get on and tell my buddie's about my new upgrade, it crashed. Not having the time to worry about fixing it I put it off. Well I have solved the problem, turns out the MSN plugin for Trillian requires some things that IE6 had, that IE7 does not. Its ok, Trillian's website had a new .dll file that simply had to be copied to a plugin directory. Problem solved.

I can't say that there is too much to call a major change. At least from the asthetic point of view. Its basically just IE6 with tabs. Though I will say there is a bit more lag. I dont' think pages load quite as rapidly, and there are some sites that don't work at all. My intranet site for instance, does not work with IE7 at all. Something I am sure I will have to find a work around for.

I have also recently recieved my Intel Retail Edge bundle. Consisting of a Intel Pentium D 820 processor (Dual 2.8GHz 2MB L2 cache), a D945PSN Motherboard, Windows XP Professional, and a couple of Adobe products. This puts me on the track to be able to do somthine that I have been dying to do for quite some time. Its time to start work on two systems. the first will be my new Desktop which I finally have to replace just about everything.

The new board requires me to have a SATA HD, something I have wanted for a long time anyway, but now since the new Mobo has only one IDE channell, it seems time to upgrade to a nice Big and Beefy SATA drive, probably the 250GB 16MB Cache Drive from Western Digital. I will also need to upgrade my DVD burner as the one I have is only a 4x single layer jobby, and we have 15X Dual Layer Jobbie's for like 60 bucks. I am also going to have to upgrade my memory. Intel has already made the switch to DDR2, so I am going to have to give up my 2GB of DDR400 that I am running currently and move over to probably just 512 of DDR2, at least to start with.

It seems it is also time for me to bid farewell to my GeForce 3 Ultra that I have had for over 5 years. In fact I got the thing before 9/11. Long time to have a video card I know, but it has certainly fullfilled its purpose.

Fortunatly for me, and my sanity, all of these old parts will not go to waste, as I finally get to work on my media center pc. I have been working this thing out in my head for some time now. I am going to need to get a new antenna for my new Router, so that my media server can go in another room. This will allow me to have a PVR without using any silly subscription garbage or monthly fee's. I mean why on earth would I want to pay TiVo to record shows for me when I can simply do it all myself on my own computer/Hometheater. It will be a long time before the thing is complete, as I still need a new case that will not look like a PC, and will eventually need a TV that will support HD and all that other good stuph. First up will be the Haupage 350 so that I have an HD tv tuner.

It will be a long time before either PC is complete, but at least I have a couple of really cool projects to work on for quite some time coming. I am excited. Its the first time in YEARS, since I have had to upgrade every part of my system. And its going to be a long process, since I think I am going to even get into some case modding on this guy. Might even be time for me to give the server a new case. Who knows they might all end up matching someday.

Monday, November 07, 2005



I come home from work one day and Tara told me that she took a picture while I was gone. She wouldn't tell me what it was, jus that I had to check the camera. So I did, and there is Sam perched like he owns the desk. What a little punk.

I must admit though, he has been a saving grace. He has kept me company when there was no one else around. When I had no friends, he was always there. Now he has bonded with Tara so much, that he is practically her cat. She will never admit it of course. But he sleeps with her, plays with her and never wants to be away from where she is.

I guess he knows what good people are. Tara is the most incredible person that I have ever met. I thank the stars everyday for someone so incredible, and wish on them everynight that I don't ever wake up from this wonderful dream.

I just wish that I could get a job where I can make a decent living so that I don't feel like she is always the one who takes care of me. I am sure it will be ok eventually. I guess I am just going to have to learn to be patient, and enjoy the time that I have given me now.