Monday, November 07, 2005



I come home from work one day and Tara told me that she took a picture while I was gone. She wouldn't tell me what it was, jus that I had to check the camera. So I did, and there is Sam perched like he owns the desk. What a little punk.

I must admit though, he has been a saving grace. He has kept me company when there was no one else around. When I had no friends, he was always there. Now he has bonded with Tara so much, that he is practically her cat. She will never admit it of course. But he sleeps with her, plays with her and never wants to be away from where she is.

I guess he knows what good people are. Tara is the most incredible person that I have ever met. I thank the stars everyday for someone so incredible, and wish on them everynight that I don't ever wake up from this wonderful dream.

I just wish that I could get a job where I can make a decent living so that I don't feel like she is always the one who takes care of me. I am sure it will be ok eventually. I guess I am just going to have to learn to be patient, and enjoy the time that I have given me now.

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