Thursday, December 22, 2005

Acoustics are FUN!

Tonight Tara and I are having people over for a little Christmas Party, and so I was picking up some groceries at the local Trader Joes. I arrived about 10 min before they opened and was pleased to find a little bit of Science fun while I was waiting.
Its hard to see from this picture but there is a puddle at the top of the picture just down and to the right of the big puddle. I guess the dept of the water was just perfect to pick up the sound waves coming from my car. As I sat there waiting for the wonderful people at Trader Joes, to open their doors, I watched that little puddle and it seemed strange. The ripples in the puddle seemed to be going on with some sort of pattern.
So I watched harder, and couldn't figure it out for a bit. Why do they look so wierd? I thought if I turned down my radio I might get a better view of them and be less distracted. So I turned down NPR and watched. To my surprise. No more ripples. "That seems, wierd. I am at least 30 feet away from that puddle, in an asphalt parking lot. How could my radio be doing that?" I thought to myself, half outloud.
So I turned the Radio back up. Sure enough the ripples came back. And this time I was watching to see if they were coming at the same time as the bass in the speakers voices. Amazingly enough it was. How wierd this was. So I hit the "Loud" button on my stereo which gives it more bass, and turned the loud feature off. Amazing again, the ripples were still there but much less intense. So I turned the loud back up, and even changed the station to see if I could get it to happen in time with the music. Sure enough, there were my little ripples. It was pretty cool. I guess no one else waiting had their radio's on.
Life can be very fun sometimes, if you just take the time to look around and see what is going on. I hope that I will keep looking. I took a picture and had to post it. Its amazing to me anyway. . .

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