I have no pictures for this post, i ony have my heavily medicated words. It has been a full year since we moved into our dream home, and you know what, i still love it here. Its me and Tara, Samwise, the crazy mean fat cat, Macey the most loveable dog that i have ever seen, she would go home with anyone, and of course the new adition to our family the little beagle, who is quickly becoming not so little. The three of them are by far the light of my eye. I guess that means i have 3 sparkles in my eye. 8
Anyway here is what has been bothering me, all of these retailers out there trying to make up for the poor sales of the year by having "Black Friday" sales. I do not know who came up with these sales but there is no way they could have actually had to spend time working on a Black Friday. I have done it on a number of occasions, and i will tell you, the deals that they offer are not worth it. The mark something down so much just to get you into the door, then when you get there they only 2 of them and someone already bought that one. That is just the marketing stand point. there are people that are hired to deal with these people, they are paid a very low wage, eight or nine dollars an hour to put up with us. The ravinv loonatic's who come into their place of business, scream yeall, often harm your own customers. And we can only afford to employe young teenagers who can't get jobs else where, and who therefore have no expierieice dealing with the diffiicult situations that will invariably arrive.
It makes me sick that people could do that to others, and because of the lower wages, and lack of brilliance in the staff, the people who come in to the store automatically l0ok down on the people that are there to serve them, thinking that just because they make more money than they do that they are worth more than the person who does all the work for them.
I wish that black friday's could be banned, the only poeople who continue to come up with this type of lunacy has to be the people who are only paying attention to the bottom line, they are not caring about what they are doing to the people who work there, taking them away from their families, nor that they are trying to make it so attractive to shop that they encourage people to leave their families and shop. This takes away from the original intent of this holiday, a holdiay which was designed to give the people of this country the ability to spend time with their families. Close down the shops, and get absolutely everyone in their homes, speding time with their families. These are the most important times in our lives. I wish so very much that i would have had more time with my family when i was younger, instead i was out with my friends, not that there is any thing wrong with that, there is a part of life that is very important to be learned with your freinds that you can't learn anywhere else.
all of this devaluation of people who just work retail and are there fore below everyone else is a trajic misnomer. If you want to be an educated consumer you want to buy from an educated sales force, someone who will do his best for you, not because of the comision that he recieves but because of the fair wage he is paid for his honest work, at getting you the best possible solution to the problem that you have. These people should be paid on the same levels as everyone else, because they provide you with a service that you would be unwilling to do yourslef. I have spent a great deal of time in retail, in sales, technical support, and managment, none of those positions afforded me respect by anyone other than those i worked with. I think it is time we reevaluate the compensetory system in our country, where professional athleets make millions and teachers, strive to survive, and are therefore looked down upon by so many.
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