Sunday, October 23, 2011

Kindle fire, disappointing...

So I really don't know what any one really knows abut the 5ghz and 2.4ghz wireless spectrums, but let's see if I can explain very simply and very quickly why the fire should not be on anyone's Christmas list.

Imagine if you will the freeway. Everyone has to drive on it, because it is the Bly way to get from point a to point b. Now imagine a freeway that has been in place for a long time now. It's 3 lanes wide (total in both directions) it's been patched up as much as it can but you can certainly feel the pot holes and where they have been filled over the years. If some jack ass gets in front of you, doing 30 in a 65, you can't pass him even if you are in a Ferrari, or to reference my trip to Los Angeles, a mazzerati. The only way you can pass him is if there is a free lane that you already have permission to be in, and no one else is in those lanes.

That my friends ends you up with road rage, frustration and a car full of people who didn't know your language could be so colorful. Now, imagine a road that is 24 lanes wide. Again they are still for both directions of traffic, but the lanes are smooth as can be. Anyone can travel on his freeway, if they have a car with tires that are rated for the road, and the guy driving 30 can't even access your road because his tires are not good enough,

That is the difference between 2.4ghz (802.11bgn) and 5ghz (802.11an). You will notice that both of these ranges have n in them. That means that 802.11n traffic can exist on both spectrums or freeways. That means you can travel on any highway available, but there are some devices and network cards that are n capable only on the 2.4ghz spectrum. Of you look at the specs for your device make sure you see abgn not just Ben, because that will relegate you to the slower freeways, that are already incredibly congested.

That my friends is why no one should purchase a kindle fire. The price, amazing, the possibility for a huge company like amazon to have apps developed, huge. They even put a dual core processor in the thing, but then they put used tires on it hat will only slow you down for the rest of the time you own that device, when it comes to tablets, you can't change the tires, or even upgrade them. Fr now stick with devices that will run on the 5ghz spectrum, the iPad 2 does, so does the galaxy 2 from Samsung. We need to make sure that the people selling to us understand that we don't want to buy new products every year. This economy just can't support it anymore.

Friday, September 09, 2011


So I am home now. Stuck here. It's almost like i can't do anything. I feel like such a loser, but every time i try to do something more it ends up making me feel worse. i know that this is totally hard on tara. She won't admit it, but this can't be easy for her.

i know that i struggle everyday with this crap, but to make her have to go through it too, that just seems unfair. She has done a remarkable job at taking good care of me. I love her so very much.

Monday, June 06, 2011

EyeFinity vs Two Cards

So i am presented with this dilemma. I want to utilize the 3 screens that I have. I have all three of them setup in my office at home, and man alive is it awesome. I love it love it love it, however there is a problem.

I don't know how many of you have ever worked with more than one monitor in the past, but it seems that in order for you to have a desktop that works across that many monitors you need a special video card. I knew that and anticipated it. So I have this killer card, that will support up to 4 monitors with EyeFinity. Some nifty code from ATI that allows you to spread your windows desktop across multiple monitors. WHat they don't make super public, is that you need to have at least one of those monitors connect via the new Display Port Technology.

What a load of crap. How on earth do they expect people to go out and buy three new monitors? I am only able to have multiple's because of what i do for a living. Its par for my course to have extra monitors, but you can't just attach them all. Nope. I had to put in a separate video card. its a pile of dung, but is runs its own monitor so i will have to make do for now.

I would love to just buy a display port to DVI connector, but no, it has to be an active adaptor, so as to fool the video card into believing that you are running one via display port.

I swear to you the people who create technology get together at some private island somewhere, and talk about how they have the technology to integrate all of our devices, and make them all work together, but then laugh and just decide that they will just make a new part, so that everyone has to go out, shell out more and more of their money, and make the next retreat they go to an all inclusive with the extra proceeds.