Saturday, February 11, 2006


I don't know if any of you have heard of this game before, I am sure that some of you have. Its called Star Wars: Empire at War. I only have the demo right now, but this might actually be something that I purchase.

Its a C&C type game, where you control your forces in an attempt to take control of the Star Wars Galaxy. Its extreemly unique however. This game lets you not only control your ground forces, in battle, but it lets you control your space forces as well. Not to mention the fact that you have a complete read out of the Galaxy, in what is called Galactic View. You deploy your forces all over space. If you are on the Rebellion you can acutally deoploy smugglers on planets that you don't control, if you are the Empire you can deploy Bouty Hunters to counter act your Smugglers.

Its Extreemly interesting, not to mention beautiful. The space battles have some of the most incredible scenery I have ever seen. There are gasous clouds that move around as if you were in real space. Not just that, but you can use something called the cinematic view that will allow you to see the battles from a point of view that George Lucas may have filmed it in an actual movie.

I have not played enough of it yet to get everything down, but holy cow is it Freakin COOL! Try it out!

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