Thursday, September 15, 2005

Exciting Time . . .

Ok, so I put this up just to spite Brian, I mean yeah, he has a 27Mb connection at his school, but this is from home d00d, eat my high speed dust!. HEHE, just kidding. I jest because I find myself in a rather good mood. It is quite a time to be awake and alive. This is quickly becoming my favorite time of year.

Baseball is getting extreemly exciting, and even though I know that the Giants winning the NL West is a long shot, and probably will never happen this year, it is still exciting with Barry Bonds back in the line-up. They are starting to win games that they should win, and are competing and you never know with baseball. Once you get the best player in baseball back on your team, good things can most certainly happen. We have games against the dodgers, and Padre's comin up. If we can take the majority of them, we could still make this happen.

Why would I speak of myself along with the Giants in the first person (or second whatever), its simple. I am a fan. Baseball is for fans, and I am a HUGE giants fan, as you will notice from my previous post about the best present ever (My Personalized Giants Jersey, thanks again Tara, you RULE!). This saturday I will get to sport that thing in the most public of places, SBC park in San Francisco, where we will be watching Barry Bonds and the Giants take on the Los Angeles Dodgers, and beating the living snot out of them. Man, I love this time of year.

Not to mention the fact that Football has just started, and the 49ERS don't seem to be as horrifying as they were last year. Its pretty spiffy acutally, they beat the Rams in week one, which may not say too much about them as far as the whole season goes, but I really do think they have a chance to win a lot more games this year. They have a very improved Dfence and their offence actually looks like it could score some points.

I am also in a Fantasy leauge again this year, and its quite fun. Though I will admit that my pics left me a bit upset at their poor performance in week one, I mean who thought Bret Favre would only get me 13.5 points. Well there is always next week, the season isn't over yet.

Tara is even more beautiful than ever, and our plans for moving are coming together. It still won't be till next year, but still our plans are forming and we think it will be a good move for us. It will be hard and challenging, but I think it will be completely worth it. I will be able to get out of debt soon, it will also be a trying process, but somthing I am sure I can do with the support of my beauty.

I suppose that is all for now, and by the way Brian pbtpbtpbtpbtpbt!!!!! I have more bandwidth than you! See you on Saturday.

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