Thursday, September 01, 2005


I know that there are not a lot of people who read this blog, and I suppose that is ok. I just have to get this off my chest and hope that somehow people will find it and read it. Because of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, thousands of people are displaced, away from their homes, and families, hundreds of people are dead, many people are missing, there are people searching everywhere for family and friends.

I have no information on that. I do know that we as the human race need to get off our collective behinds and do something. I am disgusted when I hear that there are people in LA tearing the place apart, looing anything and everything they can get their hands on. These people need to be helping, not hurting the situation. Families are no longer able to talk to each other. How on earth could anyone ever capitalize on the horrible situation that has befallen everyone there. This is a time for selflessness, not selfishness. Anyone who has been looting, should be put in prison. I know it will not do any good, but the things they are stealing belong to someone, someone who worked hard their whole lives to get the few things that have. These poor people have nothing else, many people were so poor they could not even leave (see for more details and first hand accounts). Please if you have been looting, or know someone who has been looting, convince them to return it, or return the stolen good yourself. You have no right to the things that you have taken, because you did not earn them.

There are few situations that I can understand, if you are there with your families, please by all means get the bread and food that you need if it is accessible, but keep track of all you take, and pay them back. Someone depends on those things just as you depend on the food. We are a good people at heart, I would love to think that the people of this country, and this world understand that basic human nature is not to turn to evil, and steal, but to help those that are less fortunate than we. If there is anything anyone can do please leave a comment with informaiton on how we can all help.

Lets prove that we are a good nation, not people who need to steal, but people who want desperatly to help one another.

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