Monday, October 24, 2005

Freemont Street Expierience


Well we just got back from Vegas. This was one of the coolest things we saw while we were there. It is called the Freemont Street Expierience and it is the world's largest Big Screen TV. It covers 3 city blocks. It was freakin sweet.

This was a bunch of hands playin pianoo keyes. I must admit that this was really fun. We went to the expierience with Tara's Parents and the family of the groom. we got to see the thing go off twice, and both times it was comletely different.

This was probably the best show that we saw the whole time we were there. I will definatly e putting a lot more pictures of our trip to Vegas up here as soon as I get them transfered over to the system off my Camera.

We had some interesting food while we were there, of course you all expected that out of me. The first meal we had was by far the worst, and i think it is what made almost everyone sick. Don't ever eat the buffet at the Excaliber. It was horrible. The next meal was dinner at what will forever be refered to as the "Ho." Its the Westward Ho, and they have a little cafe which has some truly fantastic Chicken Wings. I have not had better since I was in Reno eating at Bully's. I wish I knew how they got them to be so damn crispy.

We did end up eating a couple of pretty good meals too. The Dinner that Tara and I had together was quite good if not a bit over priced, but the drinks there sucked. It was a little place in the Alladin, the Chicken Franchese was good, but wasn't spectacular, but they had a happy hour and were doing two from one Drinks, which was nice, but they brought them both at the same time, which was dumb. Our best meal was our last one. We had breakfast at the Venitian. It was awesome, I had steak and eggs and the best orange juice I have ever had. Tara said the pancakes were wonderful, but the english muffins were GREAT!!!!!!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

"THE" Poker Room


This is just a picture of the poker room in the best place to play boker ever. Its where they hold the World Series of Poker. It was really cool to see it, but what a dumpy casino!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Jen Scaffidi


Last night Tara and I went to see a good friend of mine perform at the Queen Bean in Modesto, CA. She did not dissapoint. If you ever hear of Jen Scaffidi ( performing in your town, I highly suggest that you head over there toot sweet.

She is very Liz Phair/Anni DeFranco esque. And she is wonderful with a crowd. There was not much of a crowd there last night, but I will admit that those who were there she comanded with a force unknown to most.

The opening performers were not bad, in fact the first lady played a beautiful love song, that I wish I could get a hold of, but alas, I am not even sure there is a recording of that song. The next person to perform was a male, and the only way that I can think to describe him is this: Johnny Cash with a whole lot of Methamphetemines and his testicles in a vice. He was funny, but looked way too overexcited while on stage. Still it was entertaining enough.

Once again please check out Jen if you ever see her coming to your town. She is currently on her way to Washington and Oregon, try to catch her, she is going to be big some day.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Kings A Lot Warrios A Little


I never meant for this blog to become a log of my visits to sporting events. But it has turned out to be as such almost. I hope to be posting more soon. I have just been so busy and have not been taking many pictures. All well.

It was a fun game. We were luck and had prepaid parking, and got a space right by the exit. It sure didn't take us long to get out of there. Not like the debacle at the 49er game. Arco at least provides you with alternate routes out of the arena.

The seats weren't great, but it was still fun to see people play ball. It has been since last season since we had been to a game. We are really excited about the season, probably Tara more than I, because her kings will probably be much better than the Jazz. Still we will probably hit more Kings games than Jazz games. It will all depend on where we end up next spring. I will keep you all posted.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Why there should be no instant replay in Baseball

The reason that baseball is such a wonderful sport, why it has captivated people for over a century is simple. It is like life, fraught with errors. Last night's call that put A.J. Pierzynski on first base after a strike out, may not have been the correct call, but it was the call that the man behind the plate made.

The game is given to human foibals, for which I am greatful. Without the human aspect I think we could end up losing sight of just why this sport is so spectacular, and fun to talk about. Everyone everywhere knows about this call. It will end up being an incredibly controversal call, like the immaculate reception. In today's world of instant replay's there could never be another call like it. The referee's that make every other call, made the call. Maybe they were right, maybe they were wrong, but the fact that we allow them to make mistakes makes this game truly beautiful

Monday, October 10, 2005

49ers 3 Colts 28


Well, it wasn't close, but it was fun. Of course no one in the stadium even gave the 49ers a fighting chance, and rightfully so. We had a rookie QuarterBack playing in his first NFL start ever, against a QB who may well turn out to be the best one to ever play.

Alex Smith, the aforementioned QB for the 49ers, definatly has a lot of learning to do. After 4 Interceptions, and one fumble lost, he is not anyone that I would recomend anyone take on a fantasy team any time soon. I don't know if he needs a better QB coach or what, but the kid definatly has some real learning to do.

Peyton did not have his best game ever, in fact he was sacked for the first time all year, and he threw 2 interceptions. Not the best day, but he still managed to lead his team to victory. It wasn't much of a contest, though it was close all the way till about 6 min left in the 4th quarter. Reguardless of the score Tara and I had a wonderful time (aside from the traffic, which is another blog entry on its own). Tara got to go to her first ever football game and though it was much hotter than we could have ever thought it would be and the team we were both rooting for didn't stand a chance, it was fun. And the seats were INCREDIBLE. Right on the 45 yard line, you could read the name on the back of every jersy, I probably won't ever again have tickets that good so we were happy to sweat it out, and my face was also pleased to have a burn on the left side from sitting in a much more swealtering heat than we could have ever immagined.