Sunday, October 16, 2005

Kings A Lot Warrios A Little


I never meant for this blog to become a log of my visits to sporting events. But it has turned out to be as such almost. I hope to be posting more soon. I have just been so busy and have not been taking many pictures. All well.

It was a fun game. We were luck and had prepaid parking, and got a space right by the exit. It sure didn't take us long to get out of there. Not like the debacle at the 49er game. Arco at least provides you with alternate routes out of the arena.

The seats weren't great, but it was still fun to see people play ball. It has been since last season since we had been to a game. We are really excited about the season, probably Tara more than I, because her kings will probably be much better than the Jazz. Still we will probably hit more Kings games than Jazz games. It will all depend on where we end up next spring. I will keep you all posted.

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