Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Jen Scaffidi


Last night Tara and I went to see a good friend of mine perform at the Queen Bean in Modesto, CA. She did not dissapoint. If you ever hear of Jen Scaffidi (www.jenscaffidi.com) performing in your town, I highly suggest that you head over there toot sweet.

She is very Liz Phair/Anni DeFranco esque. And she is wonderful with a crowd. There was not much of a crowd there last night, but I will admit that those who were there she comanded with a force unknown to most.

The opening performers were not bad, in fact the first lady played a beautiful love song, that I wish I could get a hold of, but alas, I am not even sure there is a recording of that song. The next person to perform was a male, and the only way that I can think to describe him is this: Johnny Cash with a whole lot of Methamphetemines and his testicles in a vice. He was funny, but looked way too overexcited while on stage. Still it was entertaining enough.

Once again please check out Jen if you ever see her coming to your town. She is currently on her way to Washington and Oregon, try to catch her, she is going to be big some day.

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