Saturday, August 27, 2005

Tom Petty


Last night we went to the Greek Theater in Berkeley, CA. It was quite a drive, but I must admit that it was completely worth it. I have never been a huge Tom Petty fan, in the past. I am affraid that will just have to change. After seeing him live I can completely understand how they can have been around for 30 years together.

The comoradory on the stage is astounding. I was very surprised to see older gentlemen, all came out wearing jackets, or sport coats if you will. They all seemed to be very interested in what they were donig. They all seem to love the music. I will say that thier music, at least live, is what all of Rock and Roll should aspire to be. The show does not rely on astounding special effects, fire, or any big to do on stage, they rely on the music, which I must say they seem to have mastered.

The man who plays the piano is incredible. I have never seen anyone who had such a mastry of the keys, of sound. The lead guitarist was also very gifted. The solo's that they performed were incredible. I must say that if you were not to see them live you may never truly appreciate what they are all about. I don't think you can get a true impression of them without being there.

Through the cloud of smoke the music prevailed, and I for one am thrilled that I had the opportunity to attend such an amazing show.

The Black Crows were the opening band, and they were very good, though they seemed as if they were stuck in 1972, which is very possible since it is the type of music that they play. They were not nearly as diverse as Tom Petty who played songs that could have been played by Elvis, something that Aerosmith would have been proud of and of course his own brand of incredible . . . Well, its Rock and Roll, it isn't rock, not like Metallica, or anything hard like that, but what Rock and Roll was meant to be. It is a true appreciation of the music that they play. They just loved playing, and they loved the crowd. If you ever have a chance to see them JUMP at it, and let yourself free fall out into nothing. . .

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Lights are fun

This here is my new keyboard. Its rather nice. I must admit when I first saw these types of keyboards on ThinkGeek, I was impressed and very excited about someday being able to save up enough money to get one.

Turns out that they are not the only place you can get them. I found mine at PC Club, my new work. It is nicer than I thought it would be, because I thought that I really would end up with a normal keyboard that has some LED's in it, but this turned out to be a killer keyboard.

For those of you who know about my love of laptop keyboards you will understand this a bit better. Its got a nice short throw like laptop keyboards do. A bit more stiff than my old Gateway Solo 5300 (may it find tranquilty in Japan). Which I like a lot because it feels more stable. Plus it will be great when I get to work on my iMac. It's a USB keyboard so I should be able to use it on the iMac with no problems, but that is also a downside to the keyboard.

Having only USB connections makes it difficult to get into the BIOS on my system or even to get into safe mode. No updates for my board to allow me to use a USB keyboard to enter those parts of my system. It is ok, though and I will be able to make due. I still have other keyboards that have ruddy old PS2 connections.

All in all I must admit that this keyboard is better than I could have hoped, and not to mention the fact that its less than half the price that it was when I first found them on ThinkGeek. Consider me one happy geek boy!

Saturday, August 20, 2005



This is a rather interesting looking bottle. I found it while walking through Cost Plus World Market, which is quickly becoming one of my favorite stores. Part of the reason is because they have all sorts of asian house decorations, another is the fantastic food they have there, and of course the fact that I can walk over there from work on my lunch hours is GREAT!!!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Well, it happened. I got a job. I didn't get the one that I interviewed for the other day with the Keyes Elementary School District, but at least I can now say that I have a job. It don't pay what I want it to, but at least its got my foot in the door.

I think this could be the start of something wonderful, I know that I can impress them with my work ethic, if I remember what work is, just kidding. Still 4 months without having a real job is gonna make the transition difficult, but at least I get a discount.

I work for a company called PC Club, they are the 6th largest PC retailer in the country and hopefully they will continue to grow. I am hoping that I will be able to help them grow, and that I will be able to learn a great deal from working there. Also since its a part time thing, I think I will be devoting a lot of my time and money to taking the Microsoft Exams, within the next year I hope to be a full MCSE.

Monday, August 15, 2005



Yup that is me. I am all ready for my job interview today with the Keyes Elementary School. The position is for a Media Technician/Computer Services. From what I read about the position it sounds like a great job. I am hoping that my hours of preperation have paid off. I didn't sleep too well last night cause I couldn't stop thinking about what I should say, how can I prove to these people that I really do want to be able to do the job.

I guess it really got me thinking about what I want to do with mylife. I am sure that if I wanted to I could get a job that would pay a lot more than a school is willing to pay, and I could probably also get a less stressful job, but then I realized that there were so many teachers that helped me learn, and more importantly love to learn, that I want to give back. I want to work with children, I want to use my talents to help them. I am 27 years old, and I think I just figured out what I want to do. I want to help make this world better. Since I am a computer geek, I figure that the best thing that I can do is to work with schools and try as hard as I can everyday to make their jobs, as teachers, administrators, and students easier.

Isn't that what computers were designed to do in the first place, make life easier? I thought that is what they wanted to do when they first started working on them. I know that most people think that they are a headache and that working on computers only causes more stress in their life, but can you imagine if you had to had write all this stuph all the time? Wouldn't that be a pain? I hope that I will be able to find a job that I will be able to really help children. I want them to love to learn, I want them to thirst for knowledge.

I don't know if I will have to go back to school to finish getting a degree or what, but I will do what I have to, if I have to do school online or at night I will if I can. I want to make sure students and teachers have an easier go of things so that the future of our country will be a bright and wonderful one. (WOW I sound cheesey, but its true!)

Friday, August 12, 2005

Things in my head

Its strange, this morning I woke up with a terrible headache. I didn't geel well at all last night, not from my head hurting but I just wasn't hungry. So I never ate anything, and now I am wondering if that is why my head hurt so much this morning. I am not sure that was the cause of it, but as the day progressed my head got worse and worse.

It was an extreemly uncomfortable situation that I was in. I recomend to anyone who can avoid it, don't screw around with a migrane. By the time I was driving home from the Auto Shop, where we just spend 270 bucks on getting an O2 sensor looked at and replaced, my right eye almost did nothing, I could hardly see out of it, and it was watering something fierce.

I really hope that the job interview that I have on Monday helps me work some things out financially, because I need income, and I need to get some health insurance. It will be very stressful week if I get the job, seeing as how we are going to have to buy a car so that we can both get to work. Tara will probalby drive the Tundra, and I will drive the Tercell, its a good little car that gets great gas mileage, and my commute will be 2 times as long as hers.

I am certainly hoping that we will be able to get me work. Please everyone keep good thoughts in your heads as I go to this interview.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

My Favorite Saying

I know I watch Mythbusters a lot, and well it has given me a new favorite saying!

"Whatever you do don't try exploding decapitation, by means of hair care products at home"

I am telling you again, this is the coolest show, I love it, so much to learn, and so much fun if only I could find a way to do that for a living!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Harry Potter

Well, I just finished reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone and I must admit, that I do now see what all the fuss was about. I have seen the movies, and perhaps it helped with some of the imagry, like fluffy, but really there is nothing at all like the imagination. A persons mind can truly make things come to life. I am very impressed with the way this book is written. I can see why J.K. Rowling has such an incredible following.

Her story's are well thought out, engaging and well, fun. Her characters are lovable, believable and detailed enough so that you really understand why they act the way that they do.
I will also say this. I have a new found appreciation for the public library system. Without having found Tara I would have not been able to read all the books that I have in the past few months. I feel that most of us completely underuse the public libraries. I mean we all pay for them with our taxes, but so few of us use them. They are wonderful institutions, that offer a wonderful service, they let you learn, for FREE, yes people FREE. Will Hunting wasn't kidding when he said "I won't have wasted a hundred and fifty thousand dollars on an education that I could have gotten for a dollar fifty at the public library." So please EVERYONE read, its good for you, its good for your brain!

UPDATE! I have since finished the second book (Chamber of Secrets) and am nearly done with the third book (Prisioner of Azkaban), and have therefore checked out the fourth book (Goblet of Fire) and I would like to say something to Mrs. J.K. Rowlings: COME ON!!!!!! you get all all hooked when we read the first three then you make the fourth book over 700 pages! That is just crazieness!!!!! Still I look forward to reading the book more.

Monday, August 01, 2005

County Fair

This is Tara and I at the Stanislaus County Fair. It was great fun. We saw one of those old style photo booths, and decided we should give it a go! We got some nifty photo's and I must admit, this is definatly my favorite. I was just leaning in to tell her something when the flash went off, and the picture came out so very well. The others are nice too, and you can see them at my flickr site.

I must admit that the main reason that we went was to eat corndogs, and funnel cakes, which we didn't even eat. We each had a corn dog, and we each had a caramel apple. Quite delicious, though not as good as the ones that I make myself. I will have to make some for Tara when the time is better in the fall and the right apples are available.

We also got to see a bunch of animals, and for anyone that knows me that is a big deal to me. We saw some goats called La Mancha, they looked funny because it seemed like they had no ears, but they just turned out to be very small. But those goats, man alive were they friendly. They would walk right up to the side of the pens and stick their heads through so that you would pet them, then they would just stay right next to you while you scratch them. Very cute little things. I dont' yet know if they will give decent milk or not, but I am hoping that someday we can have a small farm and make our own goat cheese.