Thursday, August 04, 2005

Harry Potter

Well, I just finished reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone and I must admit, that I do now see what all the fuss was about. I have seen the movies, and perhaps it helped with some of the imagry, like fluffy, but really there is nothing at all like the imagination. A persons mind can truly make things come to life. I am very impressed with the way this book is written. I can see why J.K. Rowling has such an incredible following.

Her story's are well thought out, engaging and well, fun. Her characters are lovable, believable and detailed enough so that you really understand why they act the way that they do.
I will also say this. I have a new found appreciation for the public library system. Without having found Tara I would have not been able to read all the books that I have in the past few months. I feel that most of us completely underuse the public libraries. I mean we all pay for them with our taxes, but so few of us use them. They are wonderful institutions, that offer a wonderful service, they let you learn, for FREE, yes people FREE. Will Hunting wasn't kidding when he said "I won't have wasted a hundred and fifty thousand dollars on an education that I could have gotten for a dollar fifty at the public library." So please EVERYONE read, its good for you, its good for your brain!

UPDATE! I have since finished the second book (Chamber of Secrets) and am nearly done with the third book (Prisioner of Azkaban), and have therefore checked out the fourth book (Goblet of Fire) and I would like to say something to Mrs. J.K. Rowlings: COME ON!!!!!! you get all all hooked when we read the first three then you make the fourth book over 700 pages! That is just crazieness!!!!! Still I look forward to reading the book more.

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