Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Happy Birthday Tara!

On the 27th of June 1980, this beautiful woman next to me, was born. She is quite possibly the best thing that has ever happened to me. I am greateful everyday to have her in my life, even if I don't show her as much as I should. I try.

We had some friends of her's over and had some good food, at least people told me it was good. Pulled Pork, Macaroni Salad, Fruit Salad, some spicy beans, and of course, Birthday Cake.

I got her some Diamond Earrings that she said she wanted, I hope that she really likes them. I miss her. I hope she enjoyed hersel and that she will keep me around for a little longer. Happy Birthday Baby!

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hardie

Well, people my best friend just got married. Just want to give a quick congratulations to Brian and Janet, or Mr. and Mrs. Hardie if you were.

It was a very nice ceremony, and I am sure that the two of them will be happy for years to come. She has made him a better person, someone who is extreemly confident in himself and who knows what he wants from life.

I am proud of you Brian.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Sexiest Thing EVER!

Most of you are going to think that I am crazy for writing this, but one thing is for sure. My brother will appreciate it and anyone who truly loves the greatest sport ever created will also understand.

Last night Tara and I were watching the Chicago WhiteSox and Los Angeles Dodgers Game on ESPN during comercials of the NBA Finals. Now Tara is a die hard Giants fan, as she should be, and hates the Dodgers as any pure blood Giants fan would, but she really has no stock whatsoever in the WhiteSox, I however have been a fan of theirs for some time, so I figured she was letting me stay on the channel to be nice.

It was the bottom of the 8th inning (they were playing in Chicago) and the Damn Dodgers were up 3 to 2. Dodgers walked the lead off man, and had botched a sacrifice bunt play, when Hee Sop Choi didn't do what he was supposed to and got in the way of the throw to first base where Jeff Kent was covering. They called him safe, which was the wrong call as the replay clearly showed Jeff Kent had his foot on the bag.

So what does the best team in all of Baseball do in that situation? They try to execute another sacrifice bunt. To most casual fans, this is not the most elegant nor entertaining thing to watch. I figured the NBA game was going to be back on, and it was a close hard fought game, so I switched it back. Big deal you say? Well here comes the sexy part. Tara told me to turn it back! She wanted to watch the Sac Bunt! Man she is just awesome! They ended up doing a perfect job and scoring both runners that they moved over to win the game 4 to 3. It was a WONDERFUL night!

Sunday, June 19, 2005


Well, I didn't get to do a whole lot of camping. We stayed for two nights in one of the most beautiful camping area's that I have ever seen. It was fantastic. We went hiking and we sat around and did nothing, I read more of the Davinci Code (Great Book), and as you can see I did a little bit of Fishin.

I didn't have my own Pole so Gary let me use his pole. Went out at 10:45am, and this picture was taking about 11:35. I caught 5 Fish in less than an hour. The funny thing about all this is that I had not been fishing for years. I can't really remember the last time. It took me a bit to remember how to cast. Once I did, though I was hooked. Acutally the fish was, on my first real decent cast. Brought in a nice rainbow trout. I think they all were rainbows. And let me tell you they taste fantastic!

Unfortunatly the rain came later that evening. Just as it started to drizzle I built a one match fire. It was great. I remembered everything about starting a fire. Had that sucker blazing till 10 that night. No lighter fluid, just one simple kleenex. A used one even. And lots of kindling. Love being a boy scout.

The kid with me in the picture is Ryan. He is 14 and it is sad to say that the big fish in the picture is his. At least we both caught our limit and we had a great time. The river was flowing probably 2 or 3 times as big as it normally is. Tara took me out to her favorite spot out there and it was almost completely covered. It was like looking at white caps as far as the eye could see. Would have been fun on a Kayak, but extreemly dangerous. Tara said they used to set their chairs in the middle of the river and just relax all day. Didn't happen this time. We are at over 150% of snow pack this year in Tahoe and the sierra. That is just some places, I saw some numbers that said that the snow pack was over 200% of what is needed. So the river was overflowing.

Overall, a fantastic trip. We woke up early on Friday to find ourselved sleeping in a puddle though. It was very unfortunate. It rained all night long. Tara and I came home friday. It was fun, and we enjoyed ourselved. We were even going to celebrate our anniversary this weekend, but are unable to do so, because right after we got back Tara threw out her back. She is still in bed in extreeme pain. Took her to the Hospital yesterday. She is on Vicodin and Flexoril, but I am sure she will be fine in a few days. What a lousy way to spend her long weekend though.

More to come!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Time for Change?

Ok, so I sit around a lot and I think. I have come to realize that this entire system is broken. Sure that isn't new for anyone to hear. A lot of people think so. I have just been thinking about it a lot lately. It seems like no matter what the people do it doesn't make a difference in the way things work.

I don't know if there is a way that it can be changed, but the people who make the laws no longer listen to the people who have them enforced upon them. We are no longer able to make drastic changes. California's Government needs to be changed, they spend too much money, hey wait doesn't every government here? Oh yeah its all the same. No matter where you live in this country you are always going to find people who think that the government is terrible. No matter what.

If we thought that there ever was a time when everyone thought that we had it right, then there would never have been a Civil War. Sure we all think Abe Lincoln was a revolutionary, one of the greatest leaders this country has ever had, but such was not the case during his life. I mean the man was shot, because he changed what we all (at least I hope we all) feel is one of the most unjust and wrong things that ever happened.

So how do we change the system that we all feel is so corrupt? What would Abe Lincoln have done? Can we rely on anyone to help make change? It isn't fair that I can't think of a single person alive that could acutally make change. Sad isn't it.

I live in Cali, so I see stupid comercials all the time. The Governator wants everything changed, right? He wants a new political system. At least he wants to reform the one we have. But why? Do you really think he wants it because it would be better for you and for me? Hell no, he wants it because it would be better for him. It would further his political carreer. We need change because it would acutally be good for the people in this country, this state, this house! (that means your house, not just mine). If anyone has any ideas how we can make this place better, let me know, but don't just let me know, let everyone know.

We have the power to at least be heard. Thanks to the internet, this wonderful mass media that isn't controlled by ANYONE, we control it by what we read, what we look at and what we decide to pay for.


Today we leave for Pinecrest, CA it should be a blast. Fishing, camping, fire, beer, all good things. I won't be posting while I am gone, but I should have some killer pictures for ya'll when I get back.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005



Not the best picture ever taken of her, but still. She is amazing. I am extreemly luck to have found her and I can't wait to spend more time with her. She treats me different than anyone ever. She has so much geniune concern for my well being it astounds me every day.

Long Horn Background

Long Horn Background
I just found this little app. Its a 19MB download, that totally fucks with your windows system files. So much so that it allows you to use your own themes, its about time MICROSOFT! We love you but come on you put the support in for themes, but made it nearly impossible for people to theme their desktops for free, unless they took the time to manually edit the system files.

I have been VERY impressed with it so far. The picture you see is simply my desktop the way it is setup now. I wasn't sure that I would like the sidebar that Longhorn is going to bring in, but so far it isn't too bad. I wish this one allowed for as much customization as some others that I have tried.

If anyone knows where I can get an acutal downloadable beta of Longhorn let me know. I am dying try it out. I have lots of free time right now. Hopefully that will change soon.

A Friends Wedding

A Friends Wedding

Tara took this picture of me at a wedding it was fun, but damn it was hot.

Let me tell you this though, one of the cutest things that I have ever seen happen to me personally happened to me there. I was outright refusing to dance, cause really I can’t, and Savannah (a friends 4 year old daughter) walked up to me and said:

“Would you like to dance?”

How do you turn that down?



You know my speakers rock. I just wanted to get something here that spoke to the way I love my music, you might not agree with my choice in music, but baby its mine, All MINE! Really this was all just an excuse to play with my new setup. I should be sending photo's here all the time now. It may take me a while to update the postings and show you what they mean and where I were when I took em, but it should be fun, so come along for the ride, I am a big phat Dork!

Numero Uno

Numero Uno
Its my first BLOG! well, its my first on here. I am hopefully going to keep this damn thing updated all the time.

I have not been sleeping lately. It has been driving me crazy, makes me feel like the days are lagging and that the past 2 days have taken eons to pass. I hope that this camping trip that we are taking tomorrow will make me feel at least a little better.

I mean, Beer, woods, fishing, chillin, no cell phone, no computers, no worries. Just fun. I hope.

I also found out some disturbing information yesterday. Turns out that my family reunionl, that I didn't go to, was quite eventful. My sister in law, Joan's neice died. She was on a hayride, in Sandy UT. She fell off and got run over. Then her family had to make the decision to take her off of life support the next day. She had no chance to survive, and the life support was only keeping her alive and in a great deal of pain.

Life can be extreemly strange.