Monday, June 20, 2005

Sexiest Thing EVER!

Most of you are going to think that I am crazy for writing this, but one thing is for sure. My brother will appreciate it and anyone who truly loves the greatest sport ever created will also understand.

Last night Tara and I were watching the Chicago WhiteSox and Los Angeles Dodgers Game on ESPN during comercials of the NBA Finals. Now Tara is a die hard Giants fan, as she should be, and hates the Dodgers as any pure blood Giants fan would, but she really has no stock whatsoever in the WhiteSox, I however have been a fan of theirs for some time, so I figured she was letting me stay on the channel to be nice.

It was the bottom of the 8th inning (they were playing in Chicago) and the Damn Dodgers were up 3 to 2. Dodgers walked the lead off man, and had botched a sacrifice bunt play, when Hee Sop Choi didn't do what he was supposed to and got in the way of the throw to first base where Jeff Kent was covering. They called him safe, which was the wrong call as the replay clearly showed Jeff Kent had his foot on the bag.

So what does the best team in all of Baseball do in that situation? They try to execute another sacrifice bunt. To most casual fans, this is not the most elegant nor entertaining thing to watch. I figured the NBA game was going to be back on, and it was a close hard fought game, so I switched it back. Big deal you say? Well here comes the sexy part. Tara told me to turn it back! She wanted to watch the Sac Bunt! Man she is just awesome! They ended up doing a perfect job and scoring both runners that they moved over to win the game 4 to 3. It was a WONDERFUL night!

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