Sunday, September 24, 2006

Some Thoughts

I have been thinking a lot lately, about all sorts of things. Mostly about moving. Tara is probably not as ready or excited about leaving as I am. I think it will be more difficult for her to go just because she has been here for so long. I want this to be an easy transition for her, so I will just try to be patient. Tara is by far the best thing that could have ever happened to me. I am almost completely out of debt, and once we are we will be able to save some money and buy a home. I can't wait to have our own space, something that is ours, and no one can tell us we can't put a hole in the wall, or play my music as loud as I want. I suppose I feel bad for the people who live on my street, cause when I get a house I am gonna be playin some loud music. Because I can.

Tara is still asleep right now, and she is so beautiful when she sleeps. I wish that I could sleep the way that she does. She can sleep in any time. I have such a hard time sleeping lately, it is really beginning to be anoying. I have no idea what I am supposed to do to be able to sleep. I work all the time, and it can be frustrating when you put so much effort into something and don't see much in the way of results. Tara is great, she is always so encouraging and posative. My boss, Ken, thinks I am doing well too, but I wish that I could show some kind of remarkable improvement, something that will make it obvious to me and to my company that I am valuable.

Maybe I will just apply for a job with the CIA. . .

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Aboot 3 Weeks Later. . .

Well, Tara and I have been married for almost 3 weeks now. It will be 3 weeks on Friday the 25th, and I must say, that married life is pretty darn good. Tara spoils me rotten. There isn't a day that I come home that she has not done something for me. They are always small things, but they really do mean a lot to me. When I got home last night, Tara was busy cleaning the bathroom, she had already put away all the clean dishes and got my coffee ready for the next morning. I know they don't sound like much, but she does a phenomenal job of keeping our house clean and keeping me on track.

We also finally got my car back. It took forever to get the thing done, but now it is absolutely perfect. Runs like a dream, and I can't wait to have it for an extended time and to be able to drive it around. I really missed having a stick shift while I was driving Tara's car. That is just one more thing that is awesome, the whole time we were one car'in it, she never complained, she just did what was needed to make sure things get done and she has been a rock solid support for me.

She supports me in everything that I do, even when I work too much. I want to take her camping, but don't know where to take her. We might even go to Reno next weekend for the Rib Cookoff. Somethign that I really want to do. Maybe I can even talk her into it.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Friday, July 28, 2006

One Week From Today

Well, in just one week from today I will no longer be a single man. I can't wait! Of course I am up at nearly 11:00pm (which is waaay past my bedtime) writing a blog because I can't freakin sleep. But such has been my luck the past few weeks, nearly a month.

I tell you something is trying to make sure that Tara and I really do love each other, cause all sorts of bad are happenin to me. My car broke down over a month ago, blew the radiator, the water pump, two head gaskets, and now a Valve Job. I go to L.A. for training, and to validate with the Vice president of the company, and didn't even have time to do so while I was there. It was quite an ordeal. Then when I get back? I got bronchitus. Yup, sick with a feever, a cough and its 113 degree's outside.

But through all the crap, even Tara's car had to have some work done on it, Tara has been even more loving and caring toward me. There have been some tense times, but we have been able to always remember how much we love each other. I am blessed you know. Again, I guess I have to thank Angie for introducing me to her. I have never been so happy in my entire life. Even when I was completely miserable, and probably smelled like an old sock, with mentholatum, she was always there, with a smile on her face, looking incredible as usual.

She has so much confidence in me and I am so lucky to have someone so truly wonderful in my life, someone who will be a wonderful and loving mother to my children. I got more lucky than I could have ever dreamed possible. Our lives will start in the Happiest place on earth! Right after all the stress and absolute craziness, we get to drive to Disneyland! Of course that means that they have suckered yet another couple into countless re-visists just for anniversarys in the future. Its ok. We both really do love it there, and the best part is, we get to act like Kids. We get to play, for the first time ever, I really get to play with my best friend. (No offence to those of you who have been my best friend at times, but yes you have all been replaced, and I hope that someday I will also be replaced, or have been replaced already (Janet, Jenn, etc.).

I can't wait to be able to be a little kid again, although the movement probably will not be the same. too much of the age left in the bones, but I promise you I will be smiling the whole time, no matter what. As long as I am there with Tara.

Ok. So I still can't sleep, and this is probably getting boring and repetative, and probably making some of you out there sick, so I digress.

It is time for me to start considering how to really make some real improvements in the store. The store's morale is quite good, but we need to get better. Much better. I fear that I am the only one there who see's this place as a career, a real way to get better and father in life. This job could get me places,but there is so much more that I need to do to learn. I am trying to so hard to motivate my guys, to make them want to make this place something truly special. I know that the product we have proves it. I know that no one can do what we do, not the way we do. We have good suppliers, and fanatstic people in all levels of the company. If we could figure a way out of the communication barrier that exists, we could be un-stoppable.

I want my guys to know that what we are doing can really help people, that we can actually sell them something that isn't going to just bring us more money, but something that will give them more time, and allow them to create and share with other people. With my computer I am going to be able to allow my parents, who are on the other side of the planet, actually watch my wedding. And it won't cost anything. It is amazing. We can help other people do things like this.

The only problem is that I spend so much time at work, I can't get good at doing the things I want to show people. Too many numbers to cruch, to much procedural things to do to spend the type of time I need to learn how to make my own DVD's really well, to get to the point where I can film my children opening their christmas presents, with my parents able to watch from where ever they are, or to video tape it and then put it up on the web to share with my entire family, all of our dear friends.

To all of you who have helped the past few weeks, and months with all of the plans for the wedding, and for understanding about difficult times. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I should try to get some sleep now. I miss Tara.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A New Mother . . .

This weekend Tara and I took a trip to Reno, to see someone who has been extreemly influencial in our lives. Mrs. Angelique Poma. Why on earth would we travel all the way to Reno for such a wierd lady? Simple. she introduced me to Tara. Thanks to her I am happier than I have ever been in my entire life. I get to have the most incredible woman on the face of the planet spend the rest of her life with me starting on August 4th, of this year.

Now Angie went and had a baby. The little bundle of joy you see on her lap in this picture is little Karessa Nichole DePew. She is a beautiful little package. 9lbs 4oz, born on June 9th 2006. I was blessed to be able to hold the little on for most of the time that I was there. I will admit that it made me want a baby even more, but It also scared me. I mean what if we have a baby, and I lose my job? I don't think that is going to happen any time soon, as I seem to be doing well where I am, and they promoted me for a reason I guess.

Anyway, little Karessa is a beautiful jewel, that I am happy to be able to participate in her life. I know that Angie will make a wonderful mother. She may be a little rough around the edges when it comes to everyone else, but let me tell you, she loves this little baby. She will do anything for her and will do a wonderful job raising the young version of herself. And she will end up being just like her mom, which is a good thing. I mean she brought Tara and I together, and that could possibly be one of the coolest things ever.

Daddy, (Mr. Brian DePew), is also extreemly excited. He seems very excited, and a bit protective. But who can blame him. She is a treasure to be cared for above all else. I wish the both of you nothing but the best of everything. Take care of that baby, and congratulations.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Life Continues to Move on. . .

It isn't much to say that life just continues to move on, but for me it is about all that keeps me runnin on a daily basis. There is so much for me to get done lately I just don't know what to think of it sometimes. I have been working a lot lately. I have already worked 3 12 hour days this week. I think it is starting to bother Tara. At least I will get to go home a little early today.

I also have some sad news to report, Tara's little fish whitey that she has had for 15 years passed away sometime last night. We aren't sure why he went, but it was probably something to do with the heat and the fact that he was 15.

The wedding plans are coming along, we even have some of our RSVP cards back which is really cool. Thanks to everyone who got them in early. This weekend we are going to be doing a lot of work for the wedding, getting everything setup and finalizing our Centerpieces, that kind of thing.

I just had to format my system. A VERY large shame, because I had spent so much freakin time configuring it to be exactly what I wanted. All well, at least I have a 320GB HD now. That will make a big difference for us, at least until I can get my 400GB or 500GB backup drives in the system. Files are getting so freakin big now it isn't even funny.

Well I suppose there isn't much else to say, besides I have to get back to work now.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Opening Day

Its finally here! I have waited for months to see this day come back! The baseball season has officially begun. With a 10-4 win over the Indians last night the WhiteSox have started thier Title defence. Today Barry Bonds begins what will be a historic season, only 11 more HomeRuns to pass the great Babe Ruth. I might actually get to see the record breaker when we go see the Giants play in Oakland. That isn't until may, but you never know how long it may or may not take him.

Jimmy Rolins acutally has a shot of beating the Great Joe Dimagio for consecutive games with a hit (56). This could be one of the best seasons ever to watch the greatest game ever invented. I hope that you will take some time and watch a few games, attend some. There truly is little in life like watching a baseball game from anywhere in any park, with a Hot Dog in one hand and sunflower seeds in the other. Whatever your baseball tradition may be, continue them, if you don't have one, start some. This is a great place to take your family. Competition at its best. People playing a game that we love to watch. Something hard, something we envy and strive to be better at.

We should all strive to work that hard in our jobs, working day in and day out to try to be the best that we can be. Not everyone in the world is a Barry Bonds, but we all have a role to play, so play the role the best that you can. Do your best to make sure that you won't be replaced. Make people smile everyday. It doesn't matter what team you root for, just participate. and have some fun!

I look forward to seeing you at a game, or next to me on my couch as we watch the Giants pound whom'ever they may be playing that day.


Monday, March 27, 2006

Our Wedding Site

Bed Bath and Beyond has this really cool Flash tool that lets you customize your own website for your wedding. Its really quite cool, and here is the result of the work that has been done thus far.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

It's Official. . .

This picture was taken at about 3:57pm, as we were about to Board the Sierra Railroad Dinner Train. This all took place after a long day of running around on Tara's Part. She got a bunch of presents including the dress and jacket that she is wearing in the picture.

About 2 hours after this picture was taken our Desert was brought out with an extra plate and napkin. Tara's final present was underneath the napkin, it was an engagement which she happily accepted, and then the people on our car applauded us as they brought out a bottle of champagne to celebrate.

On August 5th 2006 Tara and I will be joined as Man and Wife (Date subject to change, provided location can accomodate). We had a wonderful time, and I want everyone who reads my blog to know just how incredible this wonderful woman is. She has so much confidence and Faith in me. Her support makes me a better man. Now I get to be with her for the rest of our lives. I don't know if I could be happier, well maybe 9 months after the wedding. . . . .

Saturday, February 11, 2006


I don't know if any of you have heard of this game before, I am sure that some of you have. Its called Star Wars: Empire at War. I only have the demo right now, but this might actually be something that I purchase.

Its a C&C type game, where you control your forces in an attempt to take control of the Star Wars Galaxy. Its extreemly unique however. This game lets you not only control your ground forces, in battle, but it lets you control your space forces as well. Not to mention the fact that you have a complete read out of the Galaxy, in what is called Galactic View. You deploy your forces all over space. If you are on the Rebellion you can acutally deoploy smugglers on planets that you don't control, if you are the Empire you can deploy Bouty Hunters to counter act your Smugglers.

Its Extreemly interesting, not to mention beautiful. The space battles have some of the most incredible scenery I have ever seen. There are gasous clouds that move around as if you were in real space. Not just that, but you can use something called the cinematic view that will allow you to see the battles from a point of view that George Lucas may have filmed it in an actual movie.

I have not played enough of it yet to get everything down, but holy cow is it Freakin COOL! Try it out!

Monday, January 16, 2006


Ok, so this is kinda lame, but its still fairly nifty, and rather surprising to think about it because I would never have picked this answer as me. I just answered the questions as honestly as I could, and this is what I was given.

I hope that people will respond with who they are in my coments section, so that I can see who is actually reading my blog, take a shot. Its fun (and you know you are bored, or you wouldn't be reading this anyway)

Your results:
You are Superman
The Flash
Green Lantern
Iron Man
Wonder Woman
You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Changes. . .

Well Lady's and Gentlemen, things have definatly changed A LOT! Tara and I will finally get to spend more time together thanks to my new job.

I have been promoted to Store Manager of the PC Club in Stockton, CA. Its a big jump in many ways, salary (of course), and responsibility, commute time, and things to learn.

I can't wait to get started with everything. I have already been up there twice and am intrigued by the staff that is there. I have met almost everyone and am excited about the potential of the location. I think it will be our responsibility to change the perception of what stockton is. We have the potential to be a very good store. It will take a lot of hard work, and probably some extra hours on my part for sure, but this is going to be a fun challenge for me. I think that I am up for it.

I mean I turn 28 years old on Tuesday, I suppose its about time I settle down into a career, Tara and I want to get married, and have babies, and to be able to do that I need to have a good solid career. I will need to work very hard and continue to learn to be able to make sure that I keep this job, because I want Tara to be able to take as much time as she wants when we have a little one on the way.

Tara really is the best thing that has ever happened to me. She has instilled in me confidence that I have never known before now. I am blessed to have her. On Tuesday She is taking me to San Francisco so that we can go to the Exploratorium, the geekest coolest place on the planet. Then we are going to eat at North Beach Pizza, some of the best pizza ever made. I can't wait! She really is willing to put up with ME, not only that but put up with me at the Exploratorium, which I am sure will be a challenge.

I am sure that I will post more when we get back from there. I will be taking my camera with me when we go so that I can have all sorts of pictures of my birthday. Brian is going to be meeting us for Dinner at North Beach, and I hope that Janet will be able to come, but she might have to work late. I am going to keep my fingers crossed anyway.

Since I have the day off today I am going to go make Tara breakfast and watch some football. Playoffs are fun!